

Berlirem GmbH was founded in 2014 in Berlin, Germany, as a pharmaceutical company active in the CNS field. Since that, the company has actively investigated (2) new options to reach CDS without surgical intervention, including chemical and pharmaceutical alternatives.
Just recently, we were able to patent a breakthrough invention (BRM-203) which combines excellent local tolerability, low interpatient variability, and CDS with a drastic reduction of levodopa(-prodrug) dose which was conclusively shown in volunteer studies
Berlirem’s founding team has extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry and project management in all development phases and longstanding expertise in research and development of new drugs in the CNS field.
The actual team consists of:
Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Bräutigam CEO
Qualified in medicine, CNS pharmacologist, more than 20 years management experience in pharmaceutical industry, held various senior-level positions in Europe and Japan.
Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Tack COO
Qualified in pharmacy, 30 years in pharmaceutical industry, various management positions esp. in pharmaceutical development, more than 35 patents and patent applications.
Dr. med. Heinz Palla CMO
Qualified in medicine, anesthesiologist with 20 years of clinical experience; various senior posts in the pharma industry,
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Hümpel CDO
Qualified in biochemistry, more than 30 years in pharmaceutical industry, various management positions in development, numerous patents and scientific publications

Contact us

Telefon: +49(0)30 288 69 878
Telefax: +49(0)30 288 69 696

Mobil: +49 (0)1755 755 291

Berlirem GmbH

14195 Berlin

c/o M. Bräutigam
Droysenstrasse 8
10629 Berlin

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